Top 4 Communication Challenges for Small Business Owners-Find Out What?

5 min readMay 1, 2021


In all industries, regardless of niche, uninterrupted coordination and communication are critical to achieving goals. But, no matter how hard they try, small businesses are somewhere unable to successfully maintain the required coordination and communication (in any way). Interestingly, if communication is not working at your company, there are clear signs that there is a problem. These include a high number of errors, low productivity, dissatisfied customers, and more.

Find out some common communication issues to plan timely preventive actions for your organization.

#1. The inability to effectively manage business communication.

There are many stakeholders in a business. Therefore, constant communication is key, both internally and externally. Within an organization, communication between management and employees leads to the completion of tasks. Externally, on the other hand, impeccable communication with suppliers, customers, and partners is of great importance.

Most businesses rely on personal devices such as smartphones, laptops, and landline phones for business purposes and communication. In the absence of a platform for communication, it easily becomes impossible for businesses to track communications and orders.

An ideal solution to this problem can be found in a customized Small business billing software that can manage communications for both internal and external purposes through the same dashboard. It is important to understand that communication includes any message that a company sends, such as estimates, purchase orders, invoices for external communication. And within an organization, it functions like project management, human resource management, time tracking, custom invoice approval, and more.

#2. Literally, go overboard to compensate for communication problems.

If you feel that there is a constant gap between you and your team in your daily activities, you tend to overcompensate for your problems in a way that puts unwanted pressure on your employees. For example, suppose you feel that there is a lack of coordination in your team. In that case, you start calling your team members often or even scheduling meetings one after another to compensate for the problem that has arisen.

Do you know that when your team members are micro-managed in this situation, they will feel distrust and lose motivation? It will also distract from doing the actual task.

The problem with this is that it can be interpreted by team members to feel micromanaged, which ultimately creates distrust in the workplace. It also distracts your team from the task at hand.

However, if you have an effective AI system that streamlines workflow management, it eliminates the constant need to stay in touch to stay up to date. For an organization, conversations mainly take place for work alignment and tasks that an organization needs to track time, Staff management, project management, task management, and workflow management. So, an effective Custom invoicing software can conveniently help you manage the entire workflow without sitting on the heads of employees all the time.

#3. Constant connectivity causes immeasurable burnout.

With the increasing use of smartphones and mobile devices, a working person is never off duty even after disconnecting from the workday. Such constant intrusion into personal time can lead to frustration. After all, everyone needs time off from work.

To encourage personal space and personal time, start by encouraging employees to take time off from work. Ask them to turn off notifications from business communications until and unless work requires urgency.

As an organization, you can use technology to help employees track and update all work-related information through a single dashboard. This way, other team members can easily access it when needed without nudging each other about every little thing.

Some features like online project management, time tracking, task management, personnel management are always useful for communication between management and employees.

#4. Remote work/dispersed employee base complicates communication:

For a small business, the trend of hiring part-time employees or having employees work remotely is not uncommon. It helps them reduce overhead costs. But, having your teamwork remotely is nothing less than a management challenge. Such remote work requires constant communication to ensure that the work is done on time and productivity is kept at the highest level.

To enable such an uninterrupted workflow, a company can keep track of its employees through time tracking, HR management, online approvals, and online reimbursements (for on-site employees).

A unified solution offered by Invoicera can put an end to all the problems a small business has been facing.

Now, let’s find out how Invoicera can help your business with just one software solution and put all your questions about how and why to rest:

Invoicera, a small business invoicing software, has changed the way invoicing is done over the last 16 years of its existence. Constant upgrades and improvisations based on the needs of businesses have always helped Invoicera to swim well with businesses and achieve the desired results.

While the question of how it solves business communication as an invoicing software for small businesses is still unanswered, so here is how it works as a complete package.

This small business invoicing software is not just limited to invoicing, it is a complete business management tool that lets you manage internal workflows, processes, and any kind of communication with employees and external parties.

Here are the list of features you can host with Invoicera to make your invoicing and communication convenient.

Automation: Fully automated software is able to automatically create invoices and reminders when defined. In addition, the customized workflow process helps escalate and complete processes quickly.

Customization: we know that every business is unique, so Invoicera offers the ability to customize the entire invoicing process to meet your needs fully. From basic template customization to complete software customization, Invoicera offers all types of personalization depending on your business needs.

Staff management: for a decentralized small business, it is important to manage staff efficiently to achieve results. To facilitate this, the human resources management software integrated with Invoicera’s small business billing software allows you to keep track of each employee, their projects, jobs, and other activities from the same dashboard.

Project management: Manage multi-client communications, such as invoices, estimates, billable hours, and more, with a single dashboard that provides multi-management access to ensure smooth processes.

Invoice approval process: an internal invoice approval process that allows you to involve your entire team involved in a specific project in approving an invoice before it is sent to a client to avoid errors and further back-and-forth of invoices.

Estimate management: Pre-built estimate templates allow estimates to be created quickly in a fully professionalized manner that helps organizations manage projects without errors.

Time tracking: Efficient time tracking with small business invoicing software ensures accurate invoicing and the simultaneous recording of employee productivity.

